Friday, August 15, 2008

tea break

What 's for tea?

Foo Chook Yee Mai Tong Shui (forgot to buy Buck Gor) and......



.........homemade microwaved "bowlcake".



Make these cakes in less than 10 minutes (including cooking time) !!!
Mix pancake mixture (very useful flour) with 2 eggs, sugar and milk
(I didn't measure my ingredients, adjusted with the thinkness of the batter).
Rub some butter in bowls
(I used 6 bowls, because my microwave oven can only fit in 3 bowls at a time),
pour the mixture in the bowls and cook for 2 minutes or less
(prick a chopstick in the cake, if nothing stick on it means it's cooked).
Take out from bowls and cool on rack.